Publications and Events

Published Papers

All of our published papers are freely available to everyone (open access). Links included below: 

  • Branley-Bell, D., Talbot, C.V., Downs, J., Figueras, C., Green, J., McGilley, B., & Murphy-Morgan, C. (2023). It’s not all about control: challenging mainstream framing of eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(25),

  • Branley-Bell, D. & Talbot, C.V. (2021). “It is the only constant in what feels like a completely upside down and scary world”: Living with an eating disorder during COVID-19 and the importance of perceived control for recovery and relapse. Appetite, 167(1),

  • Talbot, C.V. & Branley-Bell, D. (2021). #BetterHealth: A qualitative analysis of reactions to the UK government’s Better Health campaign. Journal of Health Psychology,

  • Branley-Bell, D. & Talbot, C.V. (2020). Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and UK lockdown on individuals with experience of eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 8(44),


  • August 2020: People with eating disorders saw their symptoms worsen during the pandemic (Branley-Bell, D. & Talbot C.V). The Conversation. Read the full article here.

Conference Presentations

  • International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) 2023 in Washington D.C, USA
  • International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) 2022, Mexico (Virtual)

Public Engagement

  • Beat ‘Insight Evening’ Live Public Webinar, 11th August 2020. “Living with an Eating Disorder during Lockdown”. Branley-Bell, D. & Talbot, C.V. PDF of slides available here.