Summary of Education
 Ph.D. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), Heriot-watt University, UK
- Thin film technologies and surface coatings for precision engineering (hard coating and nanocomposite coating, wear/friction/corrosion), functionalization (microelectronics, MEMS, optical and biological applications); sensing (gas, environment and biosensor), and energy (solar cell and battery) applications;
- Smart materials, shape memory and piezoelectric materials and films;
- Biomedical microdevices, Lab-on-chip;
- Applied physics, micromechanics, biosensor and microfluidics;
- Nanotechnology, nanowires, and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS);
- Shape memory polymer nanocomposites and microactuators;
- Nanotechnology, biomaterials, microelectronic materials.
 Summary of Research Output
- One book on Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
- One book on Polyurethane Shape memory Polymers (Tayler and Francis, 2011)
- One book on Shape Memory Technologies (CRC Press, in press)
- >10 book chapters
- >280 Science Citation Index (SCI) journal papers
- >140 conference papers with about 30 invited or plenary talks
- h-index: 37 (SCI) and 46 (Google Scholar)
- Total citations: > 5500 (from SCI)