Mexico City and Newcastle Partnership on Health and Air Pollution Research and Engagement (MANAPRE) is a research and engagement collaboration in air quality and health with universities, local government, health agencies, air quality NGOs, businesses, media, schools, students and citizens between Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and Mexico City. To improve air quality in cities we need to work on multiple levels: provide policy makers health and economic evidence to make regulatory changes that may initially be unpopular; support businesses and innovators to develop and adopt sustainable practices, and empower communities and individuals to make healthier places to live and work. The proposed project brings together Northumbria and Newcastle Universities in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Secretary for the Environment (Secretaria del Medio Ambiente – SEDEMA), and Institute of Social Security Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social – IMSS) in Mexico City.  

Newcastle and Mexico City are local hubs for expertise in air quality, health monitoring, epidemiology, environmental science and engineering. Both cities are experienced in AQ management and seeking innovative ways to continue to characterise and address their AQ challenges. By sharing experiences, networks and technological innovations both will not only learn from each other but increase their research capacity and public health outreach and impact. Other cities in Mexico and the UK can benefit from the MANAPRE experience. The project is being led by Prof Anil Namdeo of Northumbria University in the UK, and by Dr Elizabeth Vega Rangel of the National Autonomous University (UNAM) in Mexico.


The project is funded by the British Council (award number 527635178) in the UK and Secretaría de Educación, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Ciudad de México (award number SECTEI/203/2019) in Mexico.

Key dates

The project began on the 17th Feb 2020 and will run to the 16th August 2021.