
“Active Children by Design” is a cross-disciplinary research project that aims to provide urban designers and policy-makers with transformative, evidence-based urban planning guidelines to design neighbourhood built environments aimed to improve children’s physical activity levels leading to sustainable cities and communities. The research team includes researchers from Architecture (Northumbria University), City and Regional Planning (Middle East Technical University) and Development Psychology (Northumbria University). This project is supported by the British Academy’s Humanities and Social Sciences Tackling Global Challenges Programme, under Grant TGC\200140.


Upcoming conference! We will be presenting the initial findings of our project titled “Children’s mental wellbeing and neighbourhood design: identification of objective urban form features supportive of positive mental health” at the 13th International Space Syntax Symposium, 20-24 June, Bergen, Norway.


Please get in touch if you are interested in our project and would like to get involved/hear more about the findings.

Northumbria University

Department of Architecture and Built Environment
Newcastle City Campus Ellison Building Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK NE1 8ST
+44 (0)191 243 7982

Middle East Technical University

Department of City and Regional Planning
Universiteler Mah. Dumlupinar Bulvari No:1 Ankara, Turkey 06800
+90 (0)312 210 2238