Your hair is something you don’t realise you rely on for all your confidence until it’s gone. Your hair is something that makes you fit in with society. Your hair is something that expresses your personality, your femininity. Yet with this being said, alopecia is still one of the most under-represented diseases within the modelling world, with only 2% of models being booked with known alopecia.

So, with no representation and no-one to look up to, Hannah who was diagnosed with alopecia when she was just ten has had a tough time of it. From feeling like an “alien”, to being asked how her “treatment” was going, Hannah explains to us the three emotional stages of hair loss she has had to face.

“Yes, I have alopecia. Have I ever let it stop me from doing anything? No.”

All of the photos below were styled, photographed and directed by Fauve Wright in inspiration of Hannahs ‘Three emotional stages of female hair loss’.

STAGE ONE: Alienated from society

“When I lost my hair, I didn’t feel human… I felt like an alien. I got stared at constantly in public, my identity was taken away from me before I even got to develop one. I was ten. I felt like a creature. I hid behind wigs, before I realised enough was enough.”


“When I stopped wearing my wig it was the most terrifying, scary, experience of my life, but also the most empowering. At the age of ten, I was still getting used to having no hair, so when a lady at the till asked me how my ‘treatment’ was going, it made me feel extremely bad about myself. Women are perceived as ill and weak when bald, yet society accepts it within men.”

STAGE THREE:   Feminine empowerment

“The first thing I started worrying about when I lost my hair was if I would still look like a girl. Can bald still be beautiful? Is anyone going to find me pretty again? You start to look at what else you have to offer. I am an amazing dancer, friend, sister, and what’s on my head has never stopped me doing anything. My alopecia has made me more powerful and feminine than ever, as it has just now made all my other qualities shine. I now think it’s sorta badass.”


Words | Photography | Styling | Creative Direction by Fauve Wright – @fauvewrightphotography



7 Things Gingers Are Tired Of Hearing

  1. It never has been nor will it ever be funny for a stranger to yell “GINGER!!” in my face. I am quite aware that my hair is ginger, I don’t need a very loud and rude reminder that I am in fact ginger. Get out of my personal space and on with your day. Thank u, next!

  2. I would like to live the rest of my life without someone asking “Does the carpet match the curtains?” when asking about my pubic hair. Just don’t do it… Don’t even *think* about doing it. It’s unbelievably rude and absolutely NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If it is really bothering you that much then use your common sense and keep your mouth shut.

  3. “I’ve never slept with a redhead” …*eyeroll* FYI, that is not a compliment! It makes me feel like the object of a weird fetish. You’ve never slept with a redhead before? Well, I can guarantee you, I will not be the first.

  4. Following on from my previous point… “I’ve got a *thing* for gingers”  Nope. Never. Just stop.

  5. “Oh my god, I’m like, sooo tanned compared to you!” Yep, unsurprisingly, being ginger my skin is fairly pale. Moving on…

  6. “Have you ever thought about dying it?” I mean, as a taunted teenager, it definitely crossed my mind, but NOPE! Name a better hair colour than ginger and I’ll consider it…. I’ll wait…

  7. “Is that your natural hair colour?” YAAAASSS! And isn’t it so amazing! Okay, I do like people asking this one so I can bashfully act like it’s not that great. But deep down under my modest facade I just know my hair is the best.