Authentic Enquiry-Based Learning

Lead: Jonny Hall


Aims of this Learning Circle:


  1. Define Northumbria’s approach to live projects and clinics.
  2. Recommend this approach and principles and best practices for modules to university education committee together with a validation process.
  3. Establish support models for small and larger scale clinics and live projects.
  4. Establish a Community of Practice –Likely agreed objectives will include.
  5. A pool of volunteer experts who are willing to lend their expertise to new clinics and validate them – Critical Friend.
  6. Sharing pedagogical research and best practice and developing further research iniativies.
  7. Connecting research and education and developing the potential for further REF impact case studies.
  8. Peer Observation and Support across clinics.
  9. A web resource of case studies and resources to support the development of live projects and clinics.
  10. To create opportunities for members to attain recognition and reward for their activities through: AHE CATE; FHEA/SFHEA/PFHEA and individual NTFS applications.
  11. Provide guidance on the logistical issues in establishing clinics – liaise with central university services such as legal, health and safety and estates to create a guide to the issues that require consideration when starting clinics/live projects.
  12. Evaluate and enhance employability outcomes.
  13. Develop multi-disciplinary approaches to live projects and clinics.
  14. Participate in the broader development of Experiential Learning at Northumbria University as part of the 2024-30 Strategy.