About us

The Community for Innovation in Teaching and Education (CITE) was launched in July 2023 to further Northumbria’s Education Strategy ambition to create, An education community which works together to share and celebrate quality and success’, to enable ‘Greater recognition of staff achievement and success; improved sharing of best practice and innovation; strategically targeted education innovation projects’.

CITE brings together academics and professional support colleagues with students to co-generate and develop Northumbria’s distinctive pedagogy as a research-intensive university in the NE of England, with a high proportion of widening participation students from the local region as well as from overseas.  We seek to combine research that has global reach with excellence in education focusing especially upon authentic and experiential learning.

CITE members have initiated Learning Circles to explore, share and develop innovations in education practice across Northumbria’s disciplines and departments, nationally and internationally. CITE and its Learning Circles meet twice each semester to develop the work of Learning Circles, to support Northumbria’s funded Enhancement Projects, inviting external speakers, and leading Northumbria’s annual Festival of Education.


Get in touch

Feel free to get in contact with any of the CITE team mentioned below if you have any questions or would like to get involved with CITE and it’s Learning Circles.


Dr Susan Mathieson – susan.mathieson@northumbria.ac.uk

Professor Kate Black – kate.black@northumbria.ac.uk


Alternatively, please send an email to as.cite@northumbria.ac.uk and someone from the team will be in touch.