Responding to Generative AI in LT&A

Lead: Helen Charlton



This Learning Circle aims to support the development of staff and student GenAI literacy and use by;

  1. Collating and promoting examples of good practice around GenAI 
  1. Leading on the adaption of LT&A in response to GenAI

Agreed goals – short term (by September);

  • Link into university EC working group (via Richard)
  • Produce staff facing guides (NB Curation, not creation!)
  • Responding to Gen-AI in assessment (inc. redesign)
  • Quick case studies on incorporating Gen-AI
  • Student facing guides (NB current guides are drawbacks of AI, promptcraft)
  • Obtain access for working group to Chat-GPT 4 to scope suitability/issues etc

Agreed goals – longer term (timeline TBC);

  • Adapting LOs in response
  • Comparison of impact of Gen-AI on outcomes

Discussion notes;

  • AI as employability skill
  • Proper guidance for assessment
  • Things beyond text generation
  • Workload reduction
  • Authentic assessment – outcomes
  • Reconsider AI as learning tool
  • Less relevance to grammar/syntax. Focus on higher levels of cognitive analysis
  • 1 – assess outcomes 2 – learning tool 3 – workload
  • Question of retention of knowledge and engagement
  • Future – some skills are no longer needed. What are needed?
  • Technology advancing, e.g. synthesis of material, problem solving
  • New learning models, updated Bloom’s taxonomy
  • Emphasis: results, methodology and analysis (in learner projects)
  • Thematic analysis process à relate to literature
  • Embedding greater reflection
  • ‘I’ + limitations
  • Industrial – knowledge/information – utilisation
  • Student expectations impact
  • Value adding