Work packages

What is a future P&IR curriculum

This work package will engage in action research on the pedagogical underpinnings of our curriculum and co-design research-based guidelines in relation to a) the QAA Subject Benchmark; b) interdisciplinary expansion; c) placement-based teaching; d) the role of philanthropy and civil action within teaching. This WP will develop and publish pedagogical good practice on the delineation of the subject as a whole.


As a non-vocational subject, Politics & International relations requires action research on means of embedding employability through placements, internships and partnerships to enhance labour market value and fulfil Civic University Agreements. This WP will develop and publish pedagogical good practice on programmes of engagement for the subject area.

Widening Participation and serving communities

Political study depends upon effective means of communicating politics to the most under-represented target groups in order to ensure that those who might gain most from political study identify value in the subject area. This work package will design guidelines and resources on best practice for Widening Participation. It will be the first work package for examination within the research cluster, with an event (below) leading to an article for publication in the journals above or Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning.